
Travelling the USA, Canada and Australia



Las Vegas

National Parks (WA/CA/NV)

On this trip, we visited three national parks in three different regions, two of which were new to us. Mount Rainier NP in the state of Washington is so fascinating that it excited us again after more than 15 years. Hiking one more time in glorious sunshine around Sunrise, the highest point you can reach by car in the park; visiting the waterfalls and canyons once again and finally spending a night at Paradise Inn at the foot of the majestic mountain – all of this was incredibly beautiful.

National Parks

National Parks

Lassen Volcanic NP in California fascinates visitors with its geothermal activities, the full extent of which can be seen in the basin of Bumpass Hell. You can explore the hell in an impressive way on a boardwalk; hot steam rises from the ground, hot mud bubbles in holes in the earth and the sediments on the rocks shine in bright colors. With all this happening, visitors soon think that the next volcanic eruption better should take place after leaving the park.

Great Basin NP in the far west of the state of Nevada is the national park in the USA with the fewest number of visitors. The only access road leads to the Lehman Caves, an impressive cave system. In the park itself, the Mount Wheeler Scenic Drive leads to the foot of Wheeler Peak; here begins a hike to the Bristlecone Pine Forest, home to the oldest living creatures on earth. Some of the Bristlecone pines in this forest are over 4,000 years old; unfortunately, the road to Wheeler Peak was closed halfway, so we couldn’t get to the trail. Oh well, maybe next time.

Beitragsbild National Park Service USA